Friday, November 25, 2016


From Micheal Learns to Rock, That's Why You Go Away, "Love is one big illusion. I should try to forget." Yes. From the day he gave up on me, I finally prove that Love is just an illusion. Why there are people you keep on fighting for but then made himself in a safeside? Playing safe is the word. I dunno but I don't believe in the idea of love since that day. All I knew is if that someone can no longer make you happy, you just have to leave, if that person has those traits and achievements you ideally want on your standard, then it will make you stay even if you are no longer happy. I can't contain myself now to be fully happy. At the end of the day, I admit, regrets are keep on coming on my mind. But what shall I do? I can't move my feet. I'm just thinking of my unborn children's future. I can sense that I don't love him anymore. I just love the idea of loving him just for the sake of future. The sad part is maybe I'll be forever imprisoned with a lonely feeling. I will not die with a happy and contented heart. God, I'm sorry. I'm sorry if I keep on disobeying you. You've given me a second chance to choose, not with the same person but with different person and still, I chose someone who will not make me happy and feel loved. I'm sorry God, for keep on hurting those people who never aimed to hurt me.

I'll just keep on wearing this mask just to hide my pain. Just to pretend in everything. Just my future to be safe. Even if it will kill me everyday. It's okay, I'm good at pretending.

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