Saturday, November 12, 2016


"Change is inevitable. Change is constant." - Benjamin Disraeli

CHANGE. six letter word but can have a BIG impact in someones life. I've already see this coming. I've already feel it since day 1. I knew it. I felt bad but I have to accept the fact that change is constant. Why I let myself convinced that someone can be consistent? that someone will not change?Maybe I forgot that it is inevitable. It hurts. This feeling I never thought would come so early. I'm sad. Sad for the fact that no MAN can be consistent. 

Like it or leave it, CHANGE is a part of that so called thing called LIFE. It isn't always easy but resisting the universes will just isn't possible. Learning to embrace and even LOVE change/s equips you for a more realistic and smooth flow of life. Accepting change frees your soul and opens your mind and heart.

Change brings hardships and failures sometimes but it inevitably brings gifts too. Gifts you never imagined. Some not to be seen with the eyes but felt in the heart.

God presents situations and people to bridge us or lift us out of situations that do not serve us. We get signs and sometimes really tough storms to navigate through. We get pushed off the edge but usually things extraordinary and worthwhile root from overcoming adversity.

If you get knocked down, which we all do,know that there's no where to go but UP after that. Shed tears if you need, its water weight anyways! :)

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