Friday, May 27, 2016

Dear Current Self

Dear Current Self,

You've been striving very hard to be the slave of perfection. You've been pretending real fine to be the best girl in the family. You've been sick dealing with people you didn't know what's the most proper act on how to cope up with, for they all sucked with their different maladies. You've been trying to be that successful lady wannabe. You've been working all day proving yourself to people around you. You've been perfectly hiding your sincerest emotions to your own kind of mysterious jar. You've been reaching out higher than what you can really do to be the coolest others could see. You've been rising as if you were the firmest woman on town but actually you're stumbling upon your weaknesses. You've been running to the roads that'll lead you to what is righteous for others but what you really want is to walk the path of acceptance no matter how many rocks could block your way. You've been exhausted, begging to take a rest from adjustments the society obliging you. You've been longing for appreciation just for your simple capabilities.

I've been watching you for a while and as I could see, you've been jumping to someone you're really not. Hey, let me remind you this, be yourself. Don't put yourself under pressure for the norms of your surroundings. Don't mind other's criticisms, we all possessed that one of a kind individuality. Don't let anybody dictate your role. Don't be that most flawless creation, people have been dying to put their shoes off. Get a life. Have a life. Experience life.

Dear, tear off that mask now. You are human, right? Know your worth. Never devalue oneself. Be who you are.

Your Future Self

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