To Mr. Almost,
Hi good day! I saw you last Wednesday, May 4, 2016. I’m sitting at RTU’s promenade, waiting for my friends and then to my shock, I saw you. You’re still a handsome guy I’ve met 5 years ago. When I saw you, my heart beats faster and louder. I ran to chase you (even if I’m wearing high heels) and there! I called you “hon” and our eyes met. I fall inlove with you again. It’s like our first meeting at RTU’s OB Gym way back 6 years ago. Yes, I still remember the first time we’ve met. And then I follow you at the computer shop, I’m so happy because you’re sitting beside me. You’re on your way home and still, I keep on following you. I don’t wanna missed the chance having you here again, in front of me.
You’re mad. I know you are. I can see it in your eyes that’s why you didn’t wanna talk to me. I remember those memories on this road we used to take for 4 years. Those times we’re walking, holding hands and laughing. I also remember the first time you sent me to the terminal, it’s the same road we’re crossing today but now, everything is different between us. Those couple whose happily inlovewalkig by on that street, now, they we’re strangers again. You didn’t talk to me & whenever I asked questions you keep on telling me we don’t need to talk. I followed you until you ride a bus. I still begged for an answer “why did you leave me” and then you said you didn’t love me anymore and i don’t deserve you. I was crying in the whole trip because I didn’t believe of what you’ve said. I can see it in your eyes honey. Maybe your love for me seems fading but I know there’s still love even a little. Your eyes can’t lie. I asked you if I can hug you and you allow me. I was so very happy and yet emotional. I was crying as I hug you because I’m longing for you so much. For almost a month here you are. I’m hugging you so tight. I miss you so bad, I do really miss you that’s why I hugged you so tight and wish if we could stay for that moment and never last. I really miss you and I don’t wanna let go of that warm embrace. Your smell, your body that I was longing for, oh man! You’re driving me crazy again. After that, I saw you sleeping. I keep on starring at you and talk to myself “damn! This man is my world. My whole world and I can’t imagine myself not growing old with him”
As I stare at you, I knew in my heart that it was you. It was you I will marry someday, it was you who will be the father of my children, it was you whom I could spent my lifetime with. I knew it in my heart that someday, when God’s time happen, a perfect time rather, I know our paths will cross again. Maybe today we need to grow apart, maybe today we need to find ourselves, maybe today we need to be responsible on our own and someday when the right time comes, I know, I do know that it’s still you I will be seeing in front of the altar. I have this faith that it is still you and me till the end. I’ll be waiting for you Mr. Almost! Take care always because I know we’ll get married someday. I love you! See you at our wedding day!
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