Monday, December 19, 2016

BLESSED TO BLESS (Zechariah 8:1-23)

Blessing is the projection of good into the life of another. It isn't just words. It's the actual putting forth of your will for the good of another person. It always involves God, because when you will the good of another person, you realize only God is capable of bringing that. So we naturally say, "God bless you."

Last December 18, 2016, the main highlight in my 23 years of existence happens. My boyfriend's brother named, Ysmael organized the event called "BAG Project" BAG means Be-A-Giver. When Kuya Ysh told me about the event, I wasn't hesitant and immediately asked for details and volunteered to lead the registration team. Also, I was asked to sing on the event together with my friend, Ener. Again, I wasn't hesitant even if I'm unsure of my voice. HAHAHA!

A night before the event, I came to my boyfriend's house to help them packed those stuffs to be given to the 35 children of Meysulao, Calumpit Bulacan. Then, at exactly 8:30am we arrived on the meeting place.

at the registration area

1pm the estimated time we arrived at the church, the venue of the said event. We pray, draw , sing , dance and talk to those children and their parents. I found myself happy for making them happy. It was a fulfillment for me. Able to help the needy is much blessing.

Me and my friend Ener sing "Christmas in our hearts"

Pray over each family.

 BAG Project team sing and dance with the kids

You can bless someone when you will their good under the invocation of God. You invoke God on their behalf to support the good that you will for them. This is the nature of blessing. It is what we are to receive from God and then give to another.

Now we need to deepen that just a little bit, because it isn't just a verbal performance. It isn't "bless you" said through gritted teeth. It's a generous outpouring of our whole being into blessing the other person. So, among other things, you don't want to hurry a blessing. It becomes a habit that we say thoughtlessly, "God bless." Well, that's better than a lot of other things we could say, but we want to be able to put our whole self into our blessing. That is something we need to be thoughtful about. We don't just rattle off a blessing. It's a profoundly personal and powerful act.

draw with the kids (how do they described their family)

Thank God for it! When you try to improve on it, you realize you are not going to make much headway. Glory is meant to be shared from God to human beings. Glory always shines.

Blessings are for sharing. It is easy for people to receive blessings and enjoy them for themselves. Ironically, though, blessings can distract us from God and into ourselves. But blessings are given to us so that we might produce more fruit, and if we don’t, there is a word of warning here. Blessings are a sign of God’s grace — his goodness to us even though we don’t deserve it — not a reward for good works. We need to use them in the way that God wants.

children from Meysulao sings "Give thanks"

Grace is given to us so that we will bear fruit for God and for other people, so that we might help others and become a blessing to others. Grace enables us to become a conduit of God’s love and grace and blessing to others. Just as he has loved us, we should also love others. Just as he has been forgiving toward us, we should be forgiving toward others. Just as he has been generous with us, we should be generous with others. The good things God gives us should be used to serve others. Let us think about how we might use our physical blessings for God’s glory. We all have spiritual blessings, too, and we need to think about how God may want us to bear fruit with those, to use them for the common good (1 Corinthians 12:7). Blessings are wonderful, and as God’s people, we can learn how to share them with others, just as God shares his good gifts with us.

with Pastor

the main highlight of the event, gift giving

BAG Project Team

I'm happy that I became part of this successful charitable event. I'm proud to be one of BAG project team. :) Looking forward for more years to help the needy! I'm willing to give the best that I can. I'm BLESSED TO BLESS. That's the greatest and best gift this Christmas. ^_^


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