Thursday, March 31, 2016

Big or Small?

In the said study, psychologists surveyed 266 men of different classes and various socioeconomic statuses and asked them which boob size they thought was hotter. After collecting and comparing the data, they found out that men who lacked financial stability favored the big-breasted ladies while men who were well-off financially, preferred a smaller pair.

The researchers labeled the reason as to why men with shallower pockets prefer buxom ladies as "resource insecurity." Guys from this socioeconomic class see big boobs as a sign of fat reserves—an advertisement of an excess in resources. In other words, guys who lack financial stability are more likely to prefer huge bosoms because their mind dictates that the bigger the boobs, the more they can get from those.

In another study published by the US National Library, researchers theorized that the size of a woman's breast indicates fertility. They conducted an experiment where they gathered 67 college dudes and had them answer a questionnaire about whether they wanted to have kids or not. The subjects were then asked to draw their preferred boob size on a stick figure. When it was finished, the researchers found that men who don't want to become future dads sketched far smaller breast sizes on the stick figure while the ones that looked forward to having kids opted to draw ample pairs.

Man, who knew boob science could be this deep? But then again, keep in mind that these studies really only kept track of a few hundred men—and there are billions of us. So your affinity for huge jugs could also imply different things. Whatever reasons these are, all we know is, we're not about to give up our love for them, big or small.



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