Tuesday, August 30, 2016

“LOVE” is bullshit

No don’t get me wrong, I believe in soul mates, I cry through Rom-coms, I hum all the love songs on a radio and I completely believe in fairytales.

I don’t have dysfunctional relationships around me, I’ve always had a good family and I have the nicest friends.

I’ve also been in love, at least that’s what I feel it was, and I’ve been in and out of my fair share of relationships and I would do it again.

People have made grand gestures for me, guys have gone all out and I’ve been through the whole list of “couple goals” comments on Instagram pictures with heartfelt captions. Basically meaningful emotions in terms of words and actions,

But when I say love is pure bullshit I mean that the term “LOVE” that is so easily thrown around, that people mean but fail to live up to, that people promise but walk away from. That term, I do not understand.

So if love is, being the best you can for another person while things are good and then sprinting, the minute things get bad, I don’t want that “love”.

If love exists one moment but fails to stay consistent through every other, then what I’m looking for shouldn’t be called love.

Let’s go find a new term.

A term that will mean a lot right now but in another 50 years, it’ll be thrown around like “love”.

Monday, August 29, 2016


I expected more from you; that is why I’m so disappointed. I put everything into trusting you from day one. It took everything I had to tear down the sky-high walls I built from past experiences – now you’re just another one of them. I loved you unconditionally. You were the first person I ever opened up to without any hesitation. For you to teach me to regret this decision just reinforces my “trust issues,” which are the reason you wanted to leave, right?
But I’ve thought about it and I don’t regret meeting you. I don’t regret sharing myself or staying. The only thing I feel bad about is the time I could’ve spent built something with someone else, something that could actually last.
Yes, I admit; I had a day. It was a fucking bad day and I needed you to push things aside and comfort me, like I always did for you. I don’t think that’s selfish of me, you were the only person I wanted to talk to. Instead, you ignored me. I’m not ungrateful, but this time I really needed you and you weren’t there. I might have been cold, but my intentions were to stop myself from saying something I’d end up having to apologize for. So let me tell you this: I still appreciate everything. I’ve been angry, sad and emotional, but I try to remember the good things about you instead of just the day we lost it all. I’m not perfect. I’m trying to better myself, I’m growing, and I want to thank you for being part of that process, you have helped.

Aside from that day, you are a great, genuine, loving person and I can only hope to meet more people like you in the future, because that’s what I really need in my life. I hate the fact that we left so much unsaid, and that you decided to walk away, without an explanation or a second thought. You left like I meant absolutely nothing to you, but I have given myself permission to forgive you for what you never apologized for. I need to recover from this, I need to be okay again, I need to be myself again.
I’ve waited for you to come back and realize what a mistake you made. I wanted you to fight for me; I wanted you to prove all my theories wrong. I wanted to be able to listen to sad songs without relating to them and I wanted to read all these articles about demolished friendships and wonder what the hell they’re talking about. I wanted the world to be good again with you in it. Instead, I stayed in bed for weeks.
I did nothing but cry all day and then I cried some more about how I let myself get so attached that my world fell apart when one person walked out. I still feel the warm tears coming to my eyes whenever I reread old conversations, it was so obvious how happy I was. But I don’t look at those anymore. Here’s what I learned: people will leave and you’ll survive. I survived days when I didn’t want to even be alive. You’re going to hate this, but people you love the most are going to cause you the most hurt, it’s a fact. Forgive them when they do, even if you don’t get to see them or talk to them anymore, do it for you. You also shouldn’t wait on people to come back to claim you. They should’ve never left in the first place.
Now here’s what I didn’t want to admit to but eventually did, you had the right to leave. Everyone does I guess. The most important thing to me was that you were happy, and if you weren’t happy in my presence, then I’m hope you are now. I believe in people doing what makes them happy. Our time together, however short, I will always look back on with a smile on my face because at that time in my life you truly did make me glow. The things you have taught me, the memories, the inside jokes, I’ll never forget you.
I’m sorry I wasn’t what you wanted, but moreover I’m sorry you didn’t know how to love someone like me.


Saturday, August 27, 2016


Finally, the moment parents have all been waiting for is here: KidZania Manila is THE ultimate pretend play place for kids — it’s “the play city where kids do big things”! It was my birthday gift for my youngest sister, Anna Sophia.

The concept of KidZania actually originated in Mexico, and KidZania Manila is the 20th KidZania city in the world — the first of its kind in the Philippines!

Located at Park Triangle in Bonifacio Global City, KidZania Manila boasts of 8,000 square meters of play space, with over 50 activity centers where kids aged 4-14 will have THE ultimate pretend play experience — and I’m not exaggerating! Believe me, your kids will surely be begging you to go back!

Upon entering, you “check in” at the KidZania International Airport, where you pay for your tickets, which can be booked online also.

You will receive a KidZania City Map, a “boarding pass,” KidZania City Codes (which contains all the rules and regulations inside KidZania Manila — I recommend you read them BEFORE you go; just click here). Each child will also get a check worth 50 “kidZos,” which is the currency used inside the city. They can encash the checks at the BPI bank inside KidZania Manila.

For parents who have more than one child and no helpers/yayas, or won’t be bringing them along, you may be wondering how you can keep track of each kid, and about the security of your kids while inside the city. Don’t worry — KidZania has it covered!

From the official website:

All visitors who enter KidZania Manila will be required to wear an RFID (radio frequency identification) security bracelet. Each child will be matched with a corresponding adult who will also wear an RFID security bracelet. No child is allowed to leave the facility without being accompanied or picked-up by the registered adult.

If you have toddlers or younger children, the bracelets will be placed on their ankles instead of their wrists. (Our toddler insisted on having hers on her wrist though, like her older siblings!)

Once you have passed “security checks” at the airport, you — well, more like your kids actually — can begin having fun! (Though I am sure all the adults who visit KidZania Manila will be amazed and thrilled at all the fun things that can be done too!)

Note that kids have to pay for the activity here, similar to real life, when one pays to attend training workshops, etc. So make sure that your child has already exchanged his/her check for cash before you go here (or anywhere else, for that matter)!

Also shown in the photo is the city’s Radio Station, where kids can part of a live radio broadcast.

Actually, kids ages 3 and below are welcome to roam around KidZania — walking, sitting in strollers (must not be larger than 36? x 52? or 92 cm x 132 cm), carried or “worn” by their parents — BUT are not allowed to participate in the activities.

More places your kids can check out: The Bookstore, where they can browse freely through the books, or take part in storytelling sessions; the Ice Cream Factory, where they can learn how to make their own ice cream; the Climbing Building, where they can pretend to be cable service installers (IMPORTANT: your kids need to be wearing shoes for this); and the Hotel, where they can have a go at working in housekeeping, food and dining, or reception etc.

As previously mentioned, these are just SOME of the places you can see and the things your kids can do in KidZania Manila. Check out a more complete list of activities on their website.

When your kids are ready to go (or your time limit is up, whichever comes first!), all of you have to proceed to the Immigration Office. That is where you surrender your security bracelets and “check out.”

The KidZania Manila souvenir shop — dubbed the National Store — is strategically located right below the Immigration Office, so if you want to get souvenirs of your visit, you can do so.


For more information about KidZania Manila, visit www.manila.kidzania.com, “Like” KidZania Manila on Facebook, or follow KidZania Manila on Twitter @KidZaniaManila and Instagram (KIDZANIAMANILA). You can also call them at +632-711-KidZ (711-5439).

If you found this post helpful, especially in planning your KidZania experience, please do share it with others!