Tuesday, February 2, 2016


When you feel weak
Isaiah 40:29-31

When you feel threatened
proverbs 16:7

When you feel worried
1 peter 5:7

When you feel hopeless
Romans 15:4

When you face doubts
Psalm 84:11 (KJV)

When you need to forget
2 corinthians 5:17

When you feel hurt
Matthew 5:10-12

When you face sickness
Exodus 15:26 (NAS)

When you fac separation
Romans 8:38-39

When you feel guilty
Romans 3:24 (LB)

When you feel frustrated
Hebrews 4:16

When you feel used
Matthew 18:21,22

When you feel discouraged
Psalm 42:11 (LB)

When you feel rejected
1 peter 4:16

When you feel depressed
Isaiah 40:31

When you face grief
Nahum 1:7

When you feel like giving up
Galatians 6:9

When you feel unfulfilled
Matthew 5:6

When you feel confused
Proverbs 3:5,6

When you need peace
Philippians 4:7 (LB)

When you need direction
Isaiah 42:16 (KJV)

When you feel vengeful
Romans 12:19-21

When you feel rebellious
Isaiah 1:19,20

When you need patience
James 1:4 (LB)

When you feel lonely
Revelation 3:20

When you feel sad
Psalm 147:3

When you need love
1 john 4:16

When you need forgiveness
Matthew 6:14

I hope this helps you to ease whatever negative happening to you right now. Don’t worry because God is in control of everything. He has His own reason why bad things happen to you. Let all your worries be with God. Believe me, one day you will wake up with a happy heart if you keep on have faith in God despite of your problems.

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