Thank you.
It was actually kind of hard writing this post for I have so much to say but I don’t know where to start. I’ve been staring at the screen for hours for a few days yet I still couldn’t find the right words to express how thankful I am when you came.
Thank you.
I’ll never get tired of thanking you.
I don’t know how and why I felt a little familiarity the first time I saw you from the eye. It was like our eyes were talking at each other but I don’t know what the topic was all about. It was my first time to go out with a
TOTAL STRANGER. and I never knew that stranger will change my life and will have a
BIG impact in my life.
Until one time October 2016, we agreed to go out. Just the two of us. It was one of funniest days of my life. You were like a happy pill to my lungs that I couldn’t stop laughing. Silly jokes turned into deeper conversations, so unforgettable. You made me laugh and smile again.
We talked for hours and share every thing been through, as well as our heartbreaks and broken promises. We watched movie, play at the arcade and eat my favorite food. We always find time to talk to each other by texting or chatting. My life change since that moment, my life became bright again. you made me feel like I'm whole again even though I was brokenhearted. You made me smile. You made me feel that there's more to life when you choose to be happy even the world is full of negativity.
It was like I have known you for a very long time and I almost forgot that you're a stranger. You made me feel I'm the happiest whenever I'm with you. All we had is those funny moments that's worth to treasure. we never had dull moments that's why I'm so comfortable when I'm with you. I trust you so much. I can feel that it's Gods will for us to met. For make us both happy even for a WEEK. Yes, for a week. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for not being brave enough. I'm sorry if I hurt you even a bit. I'm sorry for making you feel sad again. I'm weak. I want to chase my happiness--you, but there's something that holding me back. I don't know. I want you to know that in my heart, my choice is to stay with you but I have my own reasons for coming up with this decision, to stay with a man who brought me so much pain for years. I'm sorry, I don't have given a chance to tell you how important and special you are to me.
I know you only want nothing but my happiness. but you know what? with this decision, Still, I wasn't happy. Its just that I have a deep reason why I didn't choose to stay and continue my happiness with you. You never know how my day was since the night I gave you the letter. Everytime I 'm looking on my phone, I'm still hoping that one day, you'll miss me.
I liked you back but there was a lot of buts. We’ve moved on from our past failed relationships but I’m still a little broken. I had trust issues and have learned lessons. Scared to repeat the errors and mistakes. We still had our own responsibilities that needs to be done before stepping into a deeper kind of relationship than friendship. I wasn’t ready with this feeling that I know will bloom in due time.
I used to believe that when love arrives, we'll know that it has. Not that there are signs that point you to get to that conclusion, but because it just feels right and because somehow things are enough. But I should've known that there's always that one thing, one person who'll go against the rules we've set for ourselves and prove us we're wrong to stick to them.
That's exactly what you did for me. You walked right into my life, and I didn't know that that moment would make a big difference a few weeks later. You made me believe in myself, that I could do it, and that I'd be. You made me laugh when I was about to cry whenever I remember my past.
You made me realize that I'm capable and that I will always, always be enough. Whenever I look back, I end up shaking my head and asking myself, "How did I never know?" How did I never know that the one thing I've been looking for was right there beside me all along?
From that moment on, I knew that when love arrives, we sometimes don't know that it already has. Maybe because there's a line you both know you should never cross, just not yet, so you settle on being friends first and set your feelings aside for now. Maybe because you both don't know what's really going on underneath everything. Maybe because one or both of you are scared of the past that lurks in a corner whenever you attempt to get past it. But maybe it also takes two scared persons to be brave and to make things work. And maybe not knowing is somehow okay because that gives both of you a blank page to work on when your time finally comes.
The thing is, we don't always know when love arrives. Sometimes even love doesn't know that it has already arrived or that it has finally found its home. Because sometimes, love also takes its time but the wait will always, always be worth it.
You’ve inspired me to keep going and to be the best version of myself. You we’re like an angel sent to me from God to care for me, protect me, encourage me and make me believe that I can always be better. You believed in me.
You are a good person I never thought that still exists. Our generation is full of jerks and I almost threw my hopes on meeting a better man. You made me remember that I deserve to be treated right. You made me believe that I am special. You made me feel beautiful.
So I just want to say thank you for making me feel good again. I hope to see you soon and do the plans that we have made. I miss you so much.
Yes, I am happy and proud I met you.
My song for you,
I'm only me when I'm with you by Taylor Swift:
Friday night beneath the stars,
in a field behind your yard,
you and I are paintin' pictures in the sky.
And sometimes we don't say a thing;
just listen to the crickets sing.
Everything I need is right here by my side.
And I know everything about you
I don't wanna live without you.
I'm only up when you're not down.
Don't wanna fly if you're still on the ground.
It's like no matter what I do.
Well you drive me crazy half the time;
the other half I'm only trying to let you know that what I feel is true.
And I'm only me when I'm with you.
Just a small town boy and girl
livin' in a crazy world.
Tryin' to figure out what is and isn't true.
And I don't try to hide my tears.
The secrets or my deepest fears.
Through it all nobody gets me like you do.
And you know everything about me.
You say that you can't live without me.
When I'm with anybody else it's so hard to be myself.
Only you can tell.
That I'm only up when you're not down.
Don't wanna fly if you're still on the ground.
It's like no matter what I do.
Well you drive me crazy half the time;
the other half I'm only trying to let you know that what I feel is true.
And I'm only me
Who I wanna be
Well, I'm only me when I'm with you
With you