Thursday, October 29, 2015

 “You are not just an option. You are meant to be a decision. You are someone else’s dream. You are meant to be the only one. Let it go.” –T.B LaBerge

This is one of the post cards I got when I visited Ayala Museum. I really need those words for me to realize my worth. Those words saying that a person can be the world to someone so don’t be with someone who consider you as one of his options because you will end up yourself crying, desperate, hopeless and hurt. Don’t settle for less ad believe that there is someone who meant for you. Meant to love you unconditionally and cares for you without reservations. The one who will not take advantage on you, the one who you can share your lifetime. Be with someone who makes your life like a roller coaster life but will stay with you no matter what and not thinking twice of loving you even if they have seen your flaws.

Friday, October 9, 2015


iloveyousomuch! Imissyousomuch. God bless you always pogi ! happy birthday!