Wednesday, September 18, 2013

having a best friend for a long time is a blessing. A best friend who is still your best friend even if you don’t talk always. My best friend is what God’s gave me as a gift for a lifetime. Even if we didn’t see each other often, in our hearts, we’re still best friends no matter what. Happy 6th anniversary to us best friend!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Happy 1yr. and 4months <3

I never felt alone
I was happy on my own
And who would ever know
There was something missing

I guess, I didn't see the possibility
It was waiting all the time
But it never crossed my mind
Till you opened up my eyes
Now, all I think about is

You in my life, in my dreams
In my heart, I know it's true
That I belong with you

Because of you in my world
In my arms, I have everything and now
I can't imagine what I'd do
Without you.